Breathe, I guess.

I did it. I took off my precious California license plate from my gas-guzzling SUV and replaced it with the necessary South Carolina plate. I skipped over Georgia entirely. I truly waited until August 1 as my tags expired July 31. Because, come on, who needs a trip to the DMV- the forms, the exasperated, blow-dried woman behind the counter definitely judging my sweaty clothes and surfer hat. It wasn’t easy. I called Jay 8 times, I yelled at the children to make their own lunch as Mommy would be standing in line for the next 72 hours, I politely (with gritted teeth) called the DMV 3 times- have you ever called a DMV?  Don’t. It’s a black hole of “on hold” music of no description. Hell, I even texted my Mom. A girl needs her Mom in times such as these. But I persevered (skull-cracking eye roll) and brought all 198 forms, signed and filled out, with my checkbook and sold my soul to the DMV woman with lime green nails. I complimented her nails. I didn’t really like them at all but thought it might help compensate for the pre-judged workout clothes and surfer hat. It didn’t.

I was presented with two choices for the official state license plate of glorious South Carolina. They were as follows:

Option 1: In God We Trust (with an American flag next to the state flag, I think, I don’t know my flags)

Option 2: While I breathe, I hope.  (with a palm tree, maybe, but I couldn’t be sure but definitely the state tree)

Come on South Carolina, neither of these are great choices. I’m a license plate-reader. I find their representation of each state to be charming and quirky (sometimes). It’s fun on a road trip, and dammit my life is one giant road trip! I trust in many things, like the kindness of my neighbors, the creative minds of my children, the fragility of life and the love and joy I fully embrace in this world. #1 was not for me. Well, as far as #2, I had to ask my new, slow-to-warm-up-to-me, lime-green-nailed friend:  “What does that even mean?”

She clicked her shiny nails on the chipped, laminated counter and said, “It’s our state motto.”

Oh. Well, that’s lame. Except those words actually slipped out of my mouth, and I had to hastily rip out my check to the DMV (who still writes checks?????) and mutter my apologies and grab my new SC plates and fast-walk out of that joint. I could hear the lime-green nails clicking their way to the next DMV victim.

While I breathe, I hope. UUUUUUUUUGH

It’s time to start doing better than just breathing and hoping and clutching our pearls in disbelief. It’s time to stand up together, speak out and most importantly, listen and actually talk plainly about the thread of hate and racism buried deep in our country’s veins. We each get one little life squeezed into this great big, ebbing and flowing world, and there is simply no more room to hurt people, or spew scary-ass hate (I’m so sorry, Charlottesville, so damn sorry) in the name of some deity or ridiculous cause or support anyone who does. I might be typing from my tiny, little island of white privilege, but I am listening and learning and trying to raise my babies to understand and reach across tired, thick invisible lines drawn across a country. I’ll start with my dinky blog piece and keep going from there. And I will let you know what I learn and discover along the way.

So breathe, I guess. We kind of have to, South Carolina. Have your hope. Hope is a good thing when put into some act of kindness and compassion. But I’m a little angry right now- the good kind of angry that makes a girl want something better for our world. So here is my new license plate motto and the one my family will pretend is stuck to the back of our car while we get to drive to the places we are so very lucky to be:

“If you are reading this, you are obviously breathing, so come on now, let’s all drop the bullshit and open our hearts and minds.  Love you!  Make good choices!”

I’ll check with my lime-green-nailed friend to see if we can fit all of that.

Keep running, my friends, and you might want to crack your eyes open just a bit for now. Some big, tangled trees have popped up along the pathway.


Notes:  The tree is actually a “palmetto tree”, yes the state tree, and the state motto quote is taken from the Latin words of Marcus Tullius Cicero. 

3 thoughts on “Breathe, I guess.”

  1. The DMV is the 4th circle of hell. No joke. I think the state motto became more popular after the massacre in Charleston 2 years ago when that racist killed the 9 people at Mother Emanuel church.
    I would love to work with you, as we try to raise our kids to know and do better. There is power in numbers and compassion. I am glad you are here!

    1. It makes sense to me why that motto would become more popular after the Charleston massacre. Thank you for sharing that. We were in Charleston for a soccer game this weekend, and I couldn’t stop thinking about that massacre- particularly with recent events. There is definitely power in numbers and compassion. So glad to know you and stand up with you. xo

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