
Self-care makes me tired sometimes.

It is important to my health, mental and physical. Duh. But I often wonder- how am I supposed to do all of the things? “All of the things” meaning: read this advice book, have you checked out this spiritual guru?, MEDITATE, yoga, get up at 3:30am for your alone time, more yoga, Acai bowls and/or smoke a bowl, ORGANIC meals for 6, workout hard but don’t overdo it, always know your budget but buy this meditation app, enlightenment shall come via these 14 podcasts, make time for yourself but also don’t miss out on life with kids, talk to the Universe but check-in with your inner voice mostly, be angry (women) but be STILL, know when to say no but give, give, give, be selfish not selfless but be kind, have you tried tai chi?, do you know your headlines?, don’t read the news it clogs your mind, you’ve only just begun but look how far you’ve come, don’t ever give up on your dreams but be HAPPY with what you have, patience, my love, but hurry life is short, apple cider vinegar (I cannot with this stuff), bone density but remain “light”, first world problems but don’t discount your own pain, life is not a destination but know exactly what you want and GO GET IT, stay off social media but get your brand out there, take a bath and hustle, don’t drink alcohol, you drunk, but unwind with a glass of wine, and my favorite, the Keto diet.


I often feel like we, as a society, are just one contradictory battle cry away from running straight off a cliff into an explosion of inner peace. Leave it to a bunch of humans to make “relaxation” anxiety-filled.

So yesterday I took a nap. Yep. Just a greasy-haired-I’m-exhausted-the-voices-are-loud-I-simply-cannot-do-all-of-the-things-nap. And then I woke up, a little rested and a little more hopeful and feeling fairly ok for 23 seconds about my self-care routine. Then, Piper showed me this (please watch the following short video):

While You Were Sleeping

Hahahahaha. I got “dabbed on” while napping. Universe and Piper-1, Me-0. The simplicity and humor of childhood. None of it matters. All of it matters. Lighten up. (But stay grounded.)

Shit, hold on, I have to journal that.

Stay alert, my loves, but zen out, too. Happy Friday.


4 thoughts on “Self”

    1. I mean…seriously….leave it to a six-year-old to keep it real! Thank you for reading and sharing with me..xoxoxoxo

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